CBD Oil, a non-intoxicating, non-psychoactive, and plant-based substance derived from the cannabidiol or cannabis plant is commonly known as "Charlotte's Web." CBD is also referred to as hemp oil, hemp oil extract, hemp oil extracts, and hemp oil products. Cannabidiol has been a major ingredient in treating seizures in children. It is one of the ten major psychoactive constituents found in cannabis. A high percentage of cannabidiol (CBD) is extracted from the plant during the making of pharmaceuticals. In fact, the FDA has banned the use of pure CBD oils for the treatment of seizures because of its very high concentration of CBD. CBD is extracted from the cannabis plant, purified, and when combined with other ingredients such as vitamins, minerals, herbs, and various herbal extracts for the production of a therapeutic CBD oil. There are many different products derived from CBD oil. CBD is used in many different health supplements to treat conditions such as epilepsy, chronic pain, Alzheimer's, depression, and multiple sclerosis. The most common use for CBD is in anti-seizure medications and in topical anti-inflammatory medications. However, it has recently gained popularity for its use in other forms of alternative medicine. Non-intoxicating, Non-toxic, and Non-psychoactive. This means that it has no side effects, does not produce any undesirable reactions or changes in blood pressure. Its properties allow it to easily penetrate the bloodstream. It also has been shown to be an anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, and anti-convulsant. It has also been shown to be an anti-spastic which allows it to help in reducing the side effects of certain types of brain tumor surgery. There is a clinical trial going on to investigate the effect of CBD on Alzheimer's Disease. Anti-Anxiety and Weight Loss. The active ingredient of this oil has been proven to help reduce anxiety, depression, and epilepsy in animal studies. There is also evidence that it helps with Alzheimer's and helps prevent some forms of cancer and heart disease. Benefits from this oil are many. The American Medical Association, The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, and The National Organization for Natural Products (NOP) are all promoting its use. It can be applied topically. It is also taken orally. In order to take this oil orally, it must be made into an ointment or cream that is then applied to the skin. The only drawback with this method of taking the oil is that it is slow in effect and can cause irritation to the lining of the mouth. and stomach. It is also a great benefit for people who suffer from anxiety and insomnia. It is very effective at reducing these symptoms. it is also great for people who have trouble sleeping and for different reasons.